Sunday, November 10, 2013

The Sex Couches

When i imagined my sex couch I thought to a good piece of forniture to place in your own livingroom. You could sit on it as on every couch, but it has a good and complete sex engine too.
Of course it should be texture changer.

My first model was a sculpt modern one, with a peninsula on a side. It was mostly to use lay poses and have much more possibilities with animations: lay and sit ones.

My sex engine XPose is up to 4 players, any gender, and it can work while other sit on the couch.

And I added a couple of chairs to complete the livingroom.

My second model had to be a mesh one. A classic model, XVIII century french one. Still of course texture changer with many brocades and luxury fabrics. I chosed a similiar shape, with a Ottoman on same side to use same sex engine.
This time I added 2 more matching chairs.
Chairs have their own sit and texture changer inside.

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