Saturday, October 19, 2013

Alina presentation

Hi to all, my name is Alina Graf.
This is the new blog for my Second Life brand Alina Animations.

Even if I'm older, Alina Animations brand was born in october 2009 when I started make SL animations. I always wanted make move avatars according to my ideas, so I learned use Poser, a professional software to pose 3D figures.
Even my business is now almost 4 years old I started only now to blog.
After my first creations, static poses for photo sessions and animated poses for AO (Animation Override), I started make animations for furnitures. Sun loungers for first...
But soon I discovered how fun and exciting was make sexual animations! So i published my first sun lounger sin naughty edition, where players could sit, relax, tease and then have sex just on that beach furniture. It was my first success.

Now my effords concentrate mostly on sex animations and furnitures, I made thousend sex animations and I sell 100 items on Second Life Marketplace and someone more in my inworld store, at Lenora island:

Few years ago my business growed up enough to buy a full sim, together with my friend and land partner BelleJour Shinn. Half to half.
She is one of the best builders in SL and built an adult park with many sex funs and with my and her creations of course. My store is on the north half of the island.

I hope to feed this blog with all the news about my creations and products. My best friend Quinn Ying will help me to administrate the blog.

Waves to all and stay tuned.

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